家族のグリーティングカードから会社のプレゼンテーションまでのどんな複雑性でも動画を作成できるように、動画編集 フリーウェアを使用しています。 カットをはじめて、動画ファイルの併合、視覚効果や効果音やフィルターや画像修正などの適用、適当なサウンドトラックの追加、スライドショーを作成できます 。動画がプロフェツショナルに見えるように、クロマキーおよび詳細設定を使用してください。 全ての人気の動画形式/音声フォーマットをサポートしています。
このプログラムは他のフォーマットにビデオを変換することに志向されます。人気のビデオフォーマットの大半をサポートしています。(読込みと保存)その上、プログラムは特定のマルチメディア装置で、例えばiPhone、 Microsoft ZuneまたはArchos、再生するためにビデオを変換するタスクを大幅な簡素化します。プログラムは非常に簡単で使用するし、モダンインターフェースがあるし、必要なビデオ処理の機能があります。
VSDCはWindows OSベースのPCとラップトップに無料でダウンロードできます。
Many videos require voice commentaries. Educational clips, how-tos, game walkthroughs, video blogs - all are typically produced with use of voice over software. There are various solutions to record your voice and add it to the footage. In fact, there are even 3-rd party tools for voice recording and processing audio on a professional level. Those are used in professional audio recording studios, for example. Yet, some video editors also have embedded tools for recording voice commentaries. VSDC Video Editor is one of them.
There are two ways to use VSDC as a voice over software. The first one belongs to the free version of VSDC video editor, and the second - a more advanced way - is available in VSDC Pro version. Below we'll take a close look at both ways, and explain how you can make use of the audio recording feature for your videos.
In both cases you'll need a microphone which is either embedded or connected to your computer. The biggest difference between the two, is the sequence of steps required from a user:
Open the editor, go to the ‘Tool’ tab and select ‘Voice Recorder’
If you need the audio to be recorded in a prticular format, first you should choose it. VSDC voice recorded offers a lot of popular audio formats such as MP3, AAC, WAV and etc.
Second, select the audio device you're going to use for recording.
If necessary, you can check the option to split your recordings by their duration or by size.
To start recording your voice, click the corresponding button.
When your voice comments are ready, go to your project and add the audio files to the timeline - precisely where it needs to be added.
Method #2 How to use VSDC Pro as a more advanced voice over software
Click the ‘More Tool’ button on the panel above the scene and select ‘Voice Over’.
Click the ‘Start Recording’ button.
At the end of recording click ‘Stop recording’.
Click on the ‘Playlist’ button to see the list of recordings.
Your recording will appear on the timeline automatically.
Even though both ways help you get the job done, VSDC Pro version makes a more precise voice over software, saving your time and effort. So, if audio recording is not a one time job, but rather a regular task you 'll have to deal with frequently, you should probably consider it as a more convenient tool.
If you're looking for using voice over software in your video production process, you can also check out our YouTube channel to see how quickly and easily you can utilize VSDC for that purpose.
You can get more information about the program on Free Video Editor' description page.
"VSDC Free Video Editor is a surprisingly powerful, if unconventional video editor"
- PC Advisor
"This video editor gives you tons of control and editing power"
- CNet
"The editor handles many common formats and boasts a good deal of capabilities when it comes time to alter lighting, splice video, and apply filters and transitions in post production"
- Digital Trends