



此应用程序针对转换视频文件的格式,支持几乎所有常用的视频格式(读取和保存均可)。此外,程序可以大大简化转码任务,使视频能兼容特殊的多媒体设备,如iPhone、Microsoft Zune或Archos。操作非常简单,软件具有现代化界面以及所有处理视频必须的功能。











High speed






Questions and Answers

What features and tools are included in VSDC Video Editor?

The program allows users to edit digital video and audio files in various formats including high-definition and ultra-high- definition resolutions, add post production effects and transitions, create slideshows, presentations with the use of 3D diagrams, capture video from screen, record voice, burn discs, save multimedia files to a number of supported formats and publish them on social networks.


What formats are supported by the program?

See the full list of supported formats here - www.videosoftdev.com/video-editor-doc/supported-formats-and-codecs


Where can I see video tutorials to help me with basic editing operations?

At our YouTube channel - YouTube channel


What is the difference between VSDC Free and Pro solutions?

Both solutions offer a complete multimedia editing suite. VSDC Pro Video Editor provides more options for professional video editing: advanced settings of spline parameters and resizing, higher subpixel resolution, multiple color Chroma key, hardware acceleration and prioritized technical support. VSDC Free Video Editor solution is intended for home and educational needs only. Commercial use is available by buying VSDC Pro Video Editor subscription.


Is VSDC Video Editor safe to download?

When releasing new versions of our products, we scan them with all major anti-virus tools, so our distributive files are absolutely clean and safe to download.


How do I subscribe for VSDC Pro?

You can upgrade VSDC Free Video Editor to the Pro solution at any time by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar or using a special Buy Now page at our website. You’ll be redirected to our payment processing partner page where you can choose a suitable payment method.


Are there any restrictions for VSDC Pro Video Editor subscription?

The subscription is valid for one year and can be used on two computers.


How to uninstall the program?

Removing programs in Windows is a very simple task that is carried out in a very similar manner.

For Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1/ 10 users Click the “Start Menu” button in the lower left part of the screen and select “Control Panel”. Click “Programs”, then click “Uninstall a Program". Right-click on the name of the program you want to remove and click “Uninstall/Change”. Follow the program uninstallation instructions.

For XP users Click the “Start Menu” button in the lower left part of the screen and select “Control Panel”. Click the "Add or Remove Programs" icon. Then select a program that you want to remove and click "Remove" or "Change/Remove". Follow the program uninstallation instructions.

For Windows 2000 and XP (classic mode) users Click the “Start Menu” button in the lower left part of the screen and select “Control Panel”. Double-click the “Add/Remove Programs" icon. Then select a program that you want to remove and click the “Remove” or “Change/Remove” button. Follow the program uninstallation instructions.

Please, note: After the program is removed, some elements like folders, files, registry keys and cookie files may be left on your computer. We recommend clearing your cookies after removing the program. To do that, start your browser, find the “Clear cookies” option in the settings and complete the procedure.

Please contact us 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 for additional information.


Can I get a refund?

The refund for the subscription is possible within 30 days from the payment date only.


end faq


VSDC Christmas Update 9.4: Enhanced Effect Management, 100+ Background Templates and Streamlined Editing

这个节日季,迎接全新的开始!VSDC视频编辑器带来了最新的9.4版本。我们倾听了您的建议,专注于优化您最常用的工具,同时为明年更多创新功能奠定基础。 增強的效果管理、100...


改变就是进步,而这个过程离不开您的参与。在仔细审阅您的反馈后,我们已经解决了多个关键问题,并引入了旨在提升您编辑体验的更新。 150+模板、文本转换工具、精灵自动检测和界面更新 我们非常高兴地宣布,VSDC...


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VSDC 9.2:AI 分割模型、300+ 转场、VSDC 云和新模板集

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添加转场效果的新方法、支持 RAW 和 BRAW 文件以及免费音频可视化

时刻已到:我们很高兴向您介绍期待已久的VSDC 9.1更新!新版本的增强功能将加速视频编辑,并使编辑过程更加便捷。 新的轉換添加方法、RAW/BRAW 支援和自由波形 本次更新有什么新鲜事?新的工作过渡方式将帮助您快速轻松地创建高质量的视频序列,而支持RAW和BRAW文件将确保视频的最高质量。 VSDC...

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2024 年免费视频编辑: 无需花太多钱即可释放您的创造力

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June 15, 2024 published by Amy Shao 在Mac的所有视频编辑工具中, iMovie 是我们最喜欢的工具, 我们在此博客上多次推荐使用 iMovie。 iMovie 是大多数 Apple 设备上预装的软件,...

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VSDC免费视频捕获器 Box



Reviewed by

"VSDC Free Video Editor is a surprisingly powerful, if unconventional video editor"

- PC Advisor

"This video editor gives you tons of control and editing power"

- CNet

"The editor handles many common formats and boasts a good deal of capabilities when it comes time to alter lighting, splice video, and apply filters and transitions in post production"

- Digital Trends