Editeur Vidéo

A l’aide de l’éditeur vidéo, vous pourrez éditer les fichiers vidéo et créer des vidéo de divers niveaux de complexité. Vous aurez également la possibilité d’appliquer des effets vidéo et audio aux objets d’édition, les transformer, introduire la filtration et la correction des images. Le logiciel prend en charge tous les formats et codecs vidéo et audio populaires en lecture comme en enregistrement.

En savoir plus sur Video Editor...

Convertisseur Vidéo

Ce logiciel sert à transformer les fichiers vidéo d’un format en un autre. Il prend en charge presque tous les formats vidéo populaires en lecture comme en enregistrement. En outre, il offre la possibilité de création des vidéos pour des dispositifs multimédia concrets, tels que iPhone, Microsoft Zune ou Archos. Le logiciel est très simple d’emploi, il est doté d’une interface moderne et fournit un ensemble de fonctions de base pour traiter les vidéos.

En savoir plus sur Video Converter...

Convertisseur Audio

Grâce à ce convertisseur audio, vous pourrez convertir les fichiers audio d’un format vers un autre. Le logiciel prend en charge tous les formats et codecs audio répandus. Le logiciel permet également de traiter les sélections et les balises META des fichiers, offre la possibilité d’exporter des pistes audio depuis un fichier vidéo et d’enregistrer les pistes sur l’ordinateur au format voulu.

En savoir plus sur Audio Converter...

Grabber de disques audio

Cet outil audio sert à copier les pistes audio des disques compacts et à les enregistrer sur l’ordinateur dans n'importe quel format de votre choix. Il prend en charge tous les formats et codecs audio populaires. Il assure également la possibilité d’obtenir les informations sur les pistes depuis le serveur FreeDB pour renommer automatiquement les fichiers et y ajouter des balises META.

En savoir plus sur Audio CD Grabber...



Un large éventail d'outils de traitement des fichiers multimédia dans un seul logiciel de montage vidéo gratuit.

Haute vitesse de fonctionnement

Haute vitesse de fonctionnement

Les logiciels utilisent des algorithmes multiprocesseurs rapides optimisés.



VSDC est un logiciel vidéo qu’on peut télécharger gratuitement sur les PCs et ordinateurs portables à base de système d'exploitation Windows

Privacy policy (2)


Protecting personal information is a core Flash-Integro LLC. value. This privacy statement describes how we collect and use the personal information you provide on our website. It also describes the choices available to you regarding the use of your personal information and the steps you can take to access this information and to request that we correct or delete it.

Flash-Integro LLC abides by the safe harbor framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Union.

Information Collection

As is true of most websites, we gather information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and click-stream data. We use this information, which does not identify individual visitors, to analyze trends, to administer the website, to track visitors' movements around the site and to gather information about the geographic location of our visitors as a whole. We do not collect Personally Identifiable Information ("PII") about our visitors at this website. No further information regarding our visitors, other than the browser-level information described above, is collected at this website in any manner whatsoever or for any purpose.


A "cookie" is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the website again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website features or services may not function properly without cookies.
We use cookies to enhance your online experience and to learn about how you use our services in order to improve the quality of our services. Our servers automatically record information when you visit our website, including the URL, IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your request.

Sharing of Information

As described above, no information other than the browser-level information, and the information recorded by the cookie (IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your request for information) is captured by visiting our website. The browser-level information and information recorded by the cookie is not shared with any third party.

Policy Changes

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in a conspicuous manner to this Privacy Policy, and other places we deem appropriate, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

The Terms and Conditions

End-User License Agreement for Software Product of FLASH-INTEGRO LLC

1. Software License Agreement

In this License, "the Product" means the software products under the brand "VSDC" which may be found at www.videosoftdev.com
This License is a legal agreement between you and FLASH-INTEGRO LLC for the Product.
By proceeding to install the Product, and in consideration of your use of the Product, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this License.

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC permits you to use the Product only in accordance with the terms of this License and your rights under this License will terminate automatically without notice if you fail to comply with the terms of this License.

2. Product License

In consideration of your agreeing to abide by the terms of this License and subject to your compliance with the terms of this License, FLASH-INTEGRO LLC grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Product for the following purposes and in the following manner:

You may:

  1. Install and use the free version of the Product, released under the brand VSDC Free Video Editor, free of charge for personal and educational use. In this case, you are granted the right to use and to make an unlimited number of copies of this software.
  2. Install and use the premium version of the Product, released under the brand VSDC Pro Video Editor, for personal and commercial use by purchasing a one-year subscription. In this case each subscription is bound to one user. "User" means the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the subscription fee. This subscription is not transferable to any another organization or individual. Each activation key is valid for two activations. It shall not make work by two users applicable but give you an opportunity to reinstall the VSDC Pro Video Editor in case of possible hardware or hard drives failures or upgrades.

You may not:

  1. Remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Product.
  2. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, repackage the installation file or make derivative works based on the Product (except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation).
  3. Rent, lease, sublicense or assign the Product or any copy thereof, including any related documentation.

3. Refund policies

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC guarantees a refund of the payment for VSDC Pro Video Editor within 30 days after the purchase date only in the following cases:

  • Incidental purchase of the Product’s license twice. In this case one payment shall be refunded
  • The Product has serious technical problems, and no solution has been found within 30 days.

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC shall not provide a refund of the payment for VSDC Pro Video Editor in the following cases:

  • You refuse to cooperate with the VSDC technical support team by declining to provide information regarding the problem, or not applying the solutions offered by the VSDC technical support team.
  • You use the Product on any inappropriate or outdated hardware.
  • You express discontent by the Product due to reasons other than technical faults. All the issues related to the Product’s feature-set, interface and terms of use are subject for testing in the Products’s free version prior to making a purchase of the Pro version.


4. Additional Terms for Businesses

Where you are licensing the Product as a business and not as a consumer, this License shall take effect between FLASH-INTEGRO LLC and you as a business entity and you shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the Product is operated in a proper manner by your employees and staff.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The Product is intellectual property of FLASH-INTEGRO LLC and is protected by law. You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the Product anywhere in the world belong to FLASH-INTEGRO LLC, that rights in the Product are licensed (not sold) to you, and that you have no rights in, or to, the Product other than the right to use them in accordance with the terms of this License.

6. Warranty Disclaimer


7. Limitation of Liability


8. General

  • Updates may be licensed to you by FLASH-INTEGRO LLC with additional or different terms but FLASH-INTEGRO LLC has no obligation to provide any updates.
  • This License is the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes any prior representations, undertakings or advertising relating to the Product and you acknowledge that in entering into this License you have not relied on any statement, representation, advertising, assurance or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) other than as expressly set out in this License.
  • This terms are subject to change without notice. Visit our site www.videosoftdev.com and download software to get the most recent End User License Agreement.

Questions and Answers

Quelles fonctionnalités et quels outils sont inclues dans VSDC Video Editor?

Le logiciel permet aux utilisateurs d'éditer des fichiers multimédia en formats divers, y compris une vidéo en résolution HD et UHD. Il offre des effets professionnels de post-production, ainsi que des effets de transition. On peut créer des diaporamas et des présentations avec l'utilisation de diagrammes en 3D, capturer une vidéo de l'écran, enregistrer la voix, graver les disques, enregistrer les fichiers multimédia à un certain nombre de formats pris en charge et les publier sur les réseaux sociaux.


Quels formats sont pris en charge par le logiciel?

Veuillez consulter une liste complète des formats pris en charge ici - http://www.videosoftdev.com/video-editor-doc/supported-formats-and-codecs


Où puis-je voir des tutoriaux vidéos pour m’aider avec les opérations d'édition de base ?

Veuillez regarder notre chaîne YouTube sur


Quelle est la différence entre VSDC gratuit et une solution Pro?

Les deux solutions représentent un logiciel d'édition multimédia complet. VSDC Pro Video Editor offre plus d'options professionnelles de l'édition vidéo : des paramètres avancés de la courbe et du redimensionnement, une résolution sous- pixels avancée, un outil d’incrustation chromatique par multiple couleurs, une accélération matérielle et un service d’assistance technique prioritaire. VSDC Free Video Editor est destiné aux besoins domestiques et éducatifs. L'utilisation commerciale est disponible avec un abonnement de VSDC Pro Video Editor.


Est-ce que je peux télécharger VSDC Video Editor sans risques de virus et d’autres menaces?

Avant de distribuer de nouvelles versions de nos produits, nous les vérifions par tous les outils anti-virus majeurs. Tous nos programmes d’installation sont absolument sécurisés à télécharger.


Comment puis-je souscrire à VSDC Pro Video Editor?

Vous pouvez remplacer VSDC Free Video Editor avec la solution Pro à tout moment en cliquant sur le bouton correspondant dans la barre d'outils ou en vous adressant à la page spéciale sur notre site officiel. Vous serez redirigé vers la page de notre partenaire de paiement où vous pourrez choisir un mode de paiement approprié.


Existe-t- il des limitations de souscription à VSDC Pro Video Editor?

Votre abonnement est valable pendant un an et est relié à deux ordinateurs particuliers.


Puis-je être remboursé?

Le remboursement est possible pendant 30 jours à compter de la date du paiement.


end faq

The full EULA for Flash-Integro LLC Software Products

End-User License Agreement for Software Product of FLASH-INTEGRO LLC

1. Software License Agreement

In this License, "the Product" means the software products under the brand "VSDC" which may be found at www.videosoftdev.com
This License is a legal agreement between you and FLASH-INTEGRO LLC for the Product.
By proceeding to install the Product, and in consideration of your use of the Product, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this License.

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC permits you to use the Product only in accordance with the terms of this License and your rights under this License will terminate automatically without notice if you fail to comply with the terms of this License.

2. Product License

In consideration of your agreeing to abide by the terms of this License and subject to your compliance with the terms of this License, FLASH-INTEGRO LLC grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Product for the following purposes and in the following manner:

You may:

  1. Install and use the free version of the Product, released under the brand VSDC Free Video Editor, free of charge for personal and educational use. In this case, you are granted the right to use and to make an unlimited number of copies of this software.
  2. Install and use the premium version of the Product, released under the brand VSDC Pro Video Editor, for personal and commercial use by purchasing a one-year subscription. In this case each subscription is bound to one user. "User" means the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the subscription fee. This subscription is not transferable to any another organization or individual. Each activation key is valid for two activations. It shall not make work by two users applicable but give you an opportunity to reinstall the VSDC Pro Video Editor in case of possible hardware or hard drives failures or upgrades.
  3. Install and use the premium version of the Product, released under the brand VSDC Pro Video Editor, for internal company, organizational, or institutional use by purchasing a Volume License. Under this license, an executable file (.exe) is provided that supports a limited number of installations. This license permits the installation and use of the VSDC Pro Video Editor without internet activation and remains valid for one year from the date of installation. During this period, upgrades to new versions of the software are not available. However, reinstallation of the software is permitted in case of possible hardware or hard drive failures. This license is not transferable to any another organization or individual.

You may not:

  1. Remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Product.
  2. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, repackage the installation file or make derivative works based on the Product (except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation).
  3. Rent, lease, sublicense or assign the Product or any copy thereof, including any related documentation.

3. Refund policies

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC guarantees a refund of the payment for VSDC Pro Video Editor within 30 days after the purchase date only in the following cases:

  • Incidental purchase of the Product’s license twice. In this case one payment shall be refunded
  • The Product has serious technical problems, and no solution has been found within 30 days.

FLASH-INTEGRO LLC shall not provide a refund of the payment for VSDC Pro Video Editor in the following cases:

  • You refuse to cooperate with the VSDC technical support team by declining to provide information regarding the problem, or not applying the solutions offered by the VSDC technical support team.
  • You use the Product on any inappropriate or outdated hardware.
  • You express discontent by the Product due to reasons other than technical faults. All the issues related to the Product’s feature-set, interface and terms of use are subject for testing in the Products’s free version prior to making a purchase of the Pro version.


4. Additional Terms for Businesses

Where you are licensing the Product as a business and not as a consumer, this License shall take effect between FLASH-INTEGRO LLC and you as a business entity and you shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the Product is operated in a proper manner by your employees and staff.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The Product is intellectual property of FLASH-INTEGRO LLC and is protected by law. You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the Product anywhere in the world belong to FLASH-INTEGRO LLC, that rights in the Product are licensed (not sold) to you, and that you have no rights in, or to, the Product other than the right to use them in accordance with the terms of this License.

6. Warranty Disclaimer


7. Limitation of Liability


8. General

  • Updates may be licensed to you by FLASH-INTEGRO LLC with additional or different terms but FLASH-INTEGRO LLC has no obligation to provide any updates.
  • This License is the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes any prior representations, undertakings or advertising relating to the Product and you acknowledge that in entering into this License you have not relied on any statement, representation, advertising, assurance or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) other than as expressly set out in this License.
  • This terms are subject to change without notice. Visit our site www.videosoftdev.com and download software to get the most recent End User License Agreement.

Questions and Answers (2)

Является ли служба поддержки бесплатной?

Поддержка всех зарегистрированных пользователей является бесплатной. Для не зарегистрированных пользователей осуществляется поддержка только по предпродажным вопросам.


Почему вы не осуществляете поддержку пользователей по телефону?

Техническая поддержка осуществляется только через электронную почту. Это позволяет существенно снизить конечную стоимость наших продуктов.


Надежно ли защищена моя частная информация при покупке?

Да, для получения платежей мы пользуемся услугами известной компании Digital River Inc., имеющей огромный опыт в области приема и защиты платежей и информации. Кроме того, при покупке используется защищенный протокол для передачи данных.


Могу ли я воспользоваться сервисом PayPal?

Да, для обеспечения безопасности покупки вы можете воспользоваться сервисом PayPal. Мы без проблем принимаем такие платежи.


Какие способы платежей вы принимаете?

Мы принимаем практически любые виды платежей. Вот некоторые из них:


  • кредитный карты: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Check Card, Eurocard, MasterMoney, American Express (только USD), Discover (только USD) и прочие
  • платежи от PayPal (только USD)
  • платежи от WebMoney (только USD)
  • банковские переводы
  • прямые банковские переводы
  • чеки

Имеется ли возможность заказать программу на компакт диске?

Да, во время оформления покупки вы можете дополнительно заказать компакт диск. Стоимость компакта диска не входит в стоимость приобретаемой Вами лицензии и будет прибавлена к общей сумме заказа. Длительность доставки компакт диска зависит от вашего места проживания и варьирует от 4-5 дней (для жителей США) до полумесяца (для Европейских жителей).


Что такое Extended Download Service и нужно ли мне его приобретать?

Это сторонний сервис от компании Digital River, который позволяет гарантированно скачать купленный вами продукт с их сервера. В общем случае, вам нет необходимости заказывать этот сервис, т.к. Вы всегда можете скачать любой продукт с нашего собственного сайта.


Может ли ваше программное обеспечение содержать вирусы?

Нет, если вы скачали его с нашего сайта или с сайта нашего партнера Digiral River. При каждом обновлении своих продуктов мы проверяем их всеми популярными антивирусами, поэтому наши дистрибутивы абсолютно безопасны. Но стоит помнить, что скачав и установив дистрибутив из неизвестного источника вы подвергаете свой ПК риску заражения. В этом случае наша компания ответственности не несет!


В чем отличие двух предлагаемых лицензий?

Мы предлагаем две различные лицензии на использование наших продуктов. Одна из них чуть дешевле, но в отличие от другой вы получаете возможность обновления программ и техническую поддержку только в течение года. Срок действия второй же лицензии не ограничен.


Нужно ли мне оплачивать обновление программы?

Нет, если срок вашей лицензии не истек.


Я решил установить новую версию продукта. Подойдет ли мой старый лицензионный ключ к новой версии?

Да подойдет, старый ключ будет работать на протяжении всего срока действия лицензии.


Я потерял/забыл свой лицензионный ключ. Что мне делать?

Ничего страшного. Вам нужно отправить нам свою контактную информацию (адрес электронной почты, имя и фамилию), которую вы использовали при покупке программы, и мы снова вышлем вам ваш ключ.


В чем отличие бесплатной версии программы от платной?

Некоторые наши продукты могут иметь бесплатные версии. Они отличаются от платных урезанным функционалом и отсутствием технической поддержки продукта.


Могу ли я получить ваше программное обеспечение бесплатно?

Да, вы можете получить любой наш продукт бесплатно с лицензией на один год. Для этого вам необходимо внести вклад в продвижение нашего проекта. Имеется несколько вариантов получения нашего продукта бесплатно:


  • Вы оставляете положительный отзыв на наш продукт и обязательно обратную ссылку на наш сайт на форумах, блогах, социальных сетях. После чего присылаете нам ссылку на ваш отзыв для проверки.
  • Вы переводите одну или несколько не переведенных страниц на другой язык и присылаете нам для проверки и публикации.
  • Вы пишите обзорную статью на один из наших продуктов и присылаете нам для проверки и публикации (от 1000 символов).

После проверки присланной Вами информации мы вышлем вам лицензионный ключ на любой из продуктов. Количество высылаемых нами ключей зависит от проделанной Вами работы. При переводе контента и написании статей стоит обращать внимание на качество работы. Некачественный материал приниматься не будет.


end faq


VSDC Christmas Update 9.4: Enhanced Effect Management, 100+ Background Templates and Streamlined Editing

Cette saison festive marque un nouveau départ avec la toute dernière mise à jour de VSDC Video Editor ! Grâce à vos retours, nous avons concentré nos efforts sur l’amélioration des outils que...

Plus de 150 Modèles, Transformateur de Texte, Détection Automatique de Sprite et Mise à Jour de l'Interface

Le changement est synonyme d'amélioration, et ce processus ne serait pas possible sans votre contribution. Après avoir soigneusement examiné vos commentaires, nous avons résolu plusieurs problèmes...

Meilleur Logiciel d'Effets Spéciaux

Introduction En 2024, la gamme des options pour créer des effets visuels est incroyablement diverse et il devient de plus en plus difficile d'identifier les meilleurs choix. Ici, vous pouvez trouver...

VSDC 9.2: Modèles de segmentation IA, plus de 300 transitions, VSDC Cloud et nouveau pack de modèles

Êtes-vous prêt à découvrir de nouvelles fonctionnalités avec la toute dernière mise à jour majeure de VSDC ? Enfin, la Version 9.2 est là ! Elle regorge de fonctionnalités révolutionnaires, notamment...

Comment les films en noir et blanc ont-ils été colorisés ?

Êtes-vous un fan des films classiques en noir et blanc ? Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment ils apparaîtraient s'ils étaient en couleur ? De nombreux cinéastes se sont posé la même question,...

enregistreur d'écran

A l’aide de ce logiciel, vous pourrez faire des vidéos de votre bureau et les enregistrer sur l’ordinateur sous différents formats. Avec l’éditeur de vidéo, ce logiciel est une solution idéale pour créer des présentations et des bandes démos.

En savoir plus sur Screen Recorder...


VSDC Gratuit Capture Vidéo

Le programme est pour le but de récupèrer le vidéo des périphériques et de l’enregistrer sur l’ordinateur dans n'importe quel format vidéo. Il vous permet de sauvegarder les vidéos des tuners vidéo, des caméras Web, des cartes de capture et d’autres unités.

En savoir plus sur Video Capture...

Reviewed by

"VSDC Free Video Editor is a surprisingly powerful, if unconventional video editor"

- PC Advisor

"This video editor gives you tons of control and editing power"

- CNet

"The editor handles many common formats and boasts a good deal of capabilities when it comes time to alter lighting, splice video, and apply filters and transitions in post production"

- Digital Trends